Case Finnish National Opera and Ballet:

Appealing content and communication for infrequent and first-time visitors of the opera and ballet

The study identified different customer paths, made it clear which content different target groups found appealing, the best channels of communication, and the most interesting styles of visual communications.

Research topic

Finnish National Opera and Ballet aims to serve society as a whole by offering opera and ballet performances to different audiences and age groups. Finnish National Opera and Ballet wanted to better understand what drives first time visitation. The aim was to collect data to support communications and marketing.

Our approach

We did qualitative in-depth interviews to outline the paths and customer touch points that lead to acquiring a customer. A quantitative survey measured the importance of the themes and with a need-based segmentation we found the core differences within customer groups. Testing existing visual communications provided an understanding of what kind of communication style is perceived as most appealing.

Impact of the research

The study highlighted the perspective of infrequent and first-time visitors by showcasing what content is deemed interesting to them and defining a path to becoming a customer. The end result was an understanding of what kind of offer the target group is interested in, what encourages them to come to the performances and how to reach first-timers and what kind of messaging works best.